ギャッチ郁子の話し‍ / Ikuko’s Story

こんにちは!私はニューヨーク在住の現在60歳のアーティスト兼主婦です。 32年前にアメリカ人の主人と結婚をしてこちらで生活をしています。子供は26歳の男子が一人います。愛犬マックスは今年14歳です。




小学校5年生の時に区の水泳大会があり私はそこで平泳ぎで1位になりました。(水泳教室に通っていたので水泳は得意でした。)一位になったことで虐められてる私は一気にすごい!と尊敬される子になったのです。ばかだと言っていた先生まで私が1位を取った事で自慢の生徒になり、今まで話しもしてくれない 子供達の態度も一変しました。😃



それで素晴らしい生き方を語っている人、私の知らない世界を知っている人達に凄く興味がありました。過去世が見える人、霊が見える人等など一通りのスピリチュアル系を覗いてみましたが、最後にはどうしても腑に落ちない点があり別のもの別の人と移って行きました。最終的に私は思いました。私は常に人に聞いて、人の答えをそうだと受け入れ、人やものに依存して生きて来ただけなのだと。素晴らしいとされる先生がいたら飛んで行って話を聞き教えてもらう。霊媒師に祓ってもらう。もう本当に数多くの人たちと出会いました。私が腑に落ちないと思った中で一番腑に落ちなかったの は素晴らしい先生たちが尊敬できる生き方を自分の家庭ではしていなかったと言うことです。自我、欲を無くしましょう!と言っている先生が自分のプライベートではまるで正反対をやっているのを沢山見ました。本当にびっくりです。言っている事とやっている事がまるで違うんです!😧


それからの私は自分の自我と欲を無くす努力を始めました。私は心が一片の曇りもない状態にしたかったのです。そう決心した時から私はいつも私の感情を見ることにしました。と言うかカアッとなった時にそれ来た!と自分の感情のみを見て感情を出さない。こんなこと言われてムカついた!のは言われた内容ではなく私に起こった感情!それをしっかり見る。これは自分がこんな感情があると言う事を知ると言う事です。注意していないと出た感情に気がつけません。私がやった方法は感情的になりそうな時に口にチャック🤐をして耐える。自分が話すのではなく人の話を聞くのみ。嫌いな人を避けるのではなく向かい合う。そうした事をしている間に気付いた事がありました。それは私がいかに人の話を聞くことをしなかったか、いかに自分の目線でしか物事を見なかったか、いかに人に感情的であったかなど色々。お恥ずかしい話ですが食器を洗っててお湯が熱すぎた時“このぉ〜”😡ってなってました、熱い!この野郎!です。そんな時はそれに反応している自分の感 情に向き合いました(向き合うと言うのはその感情を素直に自分が出している無駄な感情と受け入れます)

何しろ小さいことから大きい事まで四六時中取り組みました。たまに夢でも実戦していました (笑!)😅。
















また"宇宙の中の自分" "答えはうちにある" "枝でなく幹になる"というメッセージを基に、私も己と向き合い、気づき、今のような状況下でも動じず、強く生きていきたいと強く観じました。

まさに"living intuition"ですね⭐︎

郁子さんの想いを共有していただき、とても嬉しかったです♡ 心が温まりやすらかになりました。









‍Ikuko’s Story


Hello! I am a 60 year old artist and house wife living in New York. 32 years ago I married my husband who is an American. I have a 26 year old son. Our loving dog Max is 14 years old.

Recently I started receiving questions from friends and acquaintances by email, text and telephone. By answering them I started thinking “How about sharing these on my website?”.“This might help people if they read it!” - I thought. In order to share these Q&A, I’d better write about my story so people know who I am.

I have contacted many wise men, religious men and so call spiritual people. The reason why was because I always had questions on the meaning of life. How should I live, is it really good to live like this? 🧐 I had questions like this and I wanted to find the Truth. What is “truth” in this life?

I was bullied when I was at elementary school. I was even bullied because my eyes were big. I was not good at school - in short I was stupid. At that time, no matter how many times I read my textbooks or tried listening to teachers, I could not understand much. I always wished that I could be like the other students.

When I was in 5th grade, there was a swimming competition in our school district. I took 1st place in breast stroke (I became good at it because I practiced at the swimming school). All of a sudden as I won the race, people started to respect me. I became a proud student of a teacher who used to call me stupid and students who used to ignore me completely changed their attitude towards me.😃

I thought at that time “ Ah, so this is society!” I do not know why but I felt I saw the true face of humanity as a child.I was not thinking this way all the time, however, in my mind I always had a question “what is ‘truth’ in this life?” We have religions but why are there wars? I could not understand this at all!

So I was very curious about people who talked about the true way of living life, people who know about the world I do not know. I knocked on doors to the spiritual world, people who can see past lives, who can see ghosts etc. However, in the end, none of them made sense to me. Eventually I came to realize something about myself. I have been depending on people. I have been asking them to get answers from them. I had been living my life by depending on others, by rushing to wonderful teachers to get answers and to purify evil spirits by mediums. I met and contacted so many people. What I didn't understand was that people who said let’s get rid of ego and desires, they were not following their own advice in their private life. I saw them doing the complete opposite in their life. It was shocking! They were not “walking the walk” – they were not fully accountable for themselves!😧

After walking so many different paths, I thought “Is achieving enlightenment the highest level in life?” I then read over a hundred books regarding enlightenment. One book said you can only achieve this by eliminating ego and desires. It said it is very difficult and extremely hard to reach. At that time, I learned I cannot solely depend on others, gathering information itself does not help change myself, I need to act! Only I can work to eliminate my ego and desires, no one can do this for me. Everything I need is in me and there is no other way than me working in everyday life. I see! Everything I need has been inside me but I did not work on this!😅

From that moment, I started to eliminate my ego and desires. I wanted to become crystal clear! At the time of my determination, I started to look at my emotions. When I lose my temper, I see my emotions - anger. Here it comes! I did not become angry at what someone said, because I caught my emotions. It is to know that you have such emotions in you. It is hard to realize those emotions in you if you are not careful. What I did was to zip my mouth🤐 and be patient. I didn't talk, but listen, I didn't avoid people I don't like, but decided to face them. By doing so I realized how much I didn't listen, how I judged only from my view, how emotional I was to others. Here is my embarrassing story. I used to get angry by water being too hot when I was washing dishes. “Shit too hot you bastard! I saw my emotion there. My reaction there. I decided to accept my emotion (This means to accept my emotion as meaningless).

Anyway, I worked on all aspects of my life – small things to large. Sometimes I even practice these in my dreams😅.

When I continued this for about 1 year, there were changes in my spirit/mind and body. I did not have a temper when water was too hot. This was shocking to me. I completely forgot how I used to respond. My feeling toward people I used to dislike or did not get along were gone. On the contrary, I became a person who could even be homeless. I could deal with anything at that point. This actually happened to me but my body felt so light that I was floating rather than walking. I felt that I could walk forever. It was such a wonderful feeling! I have experienced emotions without reacting, body without feeling. 

I thought this must be what we call enlightenment. However, in Karate black belt is not the highest level, but only the beginning. It is a beginning of a journey that never ends. I thought this was the structure of the universe. By working and facing yourself, there comes more and more learning. I learned that life is to evolve(grow) your soul. Life is a continuance of learning with patience. I think that true living is when we are dealing with ourselves seriously and patiently. I think it is important to act from what you’ve learned by practicing it in everyday life, rather than gathering more and more information in in your brain.

This is my story. I have also answered in Q&A what I know at this point. I am sure there are more answers. I am not even sure if my answers are absolutely right or wrong. But I am very happy with who I am now. I am happy if my Q&A is in any way useful to you.




Ikuko Gach

April 3, 2020

I’d like to share comments.


Ms. Anri

The most helpful of the Q&A was, for example if I have negative emotion, to pause and examine these emotions. This is what I am practicing at the moment. It is very difficult to actually do this. My emotions still rush out. Thank you. To say “walk the talk” is easy. When Ikuko told me this I thought it is simple to do but this really needs patience.


I felt like I found accurate answers to my questions that I have been wondering about for a long time. Everyone says “lower your ego” but I was wondering how is that possible to lower my ego and emotions? I used to think it is my fault that I get these emotions. I was grasping this way and that way for an answer. I have been listening to many people’s way of dealing with ego however, this time it made sense to me. Thank you. I will try step by step, by zipping my mouth. I’d like to experience a light body too.

Ms. KO

Ikuko’s upbringing and experiences were very easy to understand and they touched my heart. I was impressed once again by her action to become aware, to contemplate emotions and further experiences regarding physical changes.  Also, “My existence in the universe”, “Answers are in me” and “ To become a trunk of the tree, not branches”, based on these messages, I would like to face myself, become aware and live strongly under such a circumstance. It’s really “living intuition”. 

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I was very happy and my heart felt warm and calm. Bob’s photographs truly touch my heart, they are wonderful.

Ms. YI

 I read your blog. This was timely as I was confused with various information lately. I felt stability, like a big tree in your sentences. I noticed that I do not like to change myself.

I also very much like Bob’s photographs. It seems like feelings of subject and warmth of Bob are somehow conveyed.