“Story of Vibration”

I often mention in my blog “Vibration” and “Energy”. So what are they? I will explain what I know.

When you turn on your air conditioner, you press the remote controller to activate it. You cannot see it but it works, doesn’t it? Everyone knows and we don’t wonder why this happens. WiFi also. We cannot see but know the existence of these. 

So what about everything that exists having vibration/energy? Do you know your vibration/energy connects to similar vibration/energy just like the AC? Many religions talk about “heaven and hell”. This is all about vibration/energy, some religion explains this as heaven and hell.

Just try to imagine that you have layers of your vibration/energy around your body. You cannot see them but your vibration/energy always exists with you. And your vibration/energy seeks similar ones even unconsciously. Then you are connected. This is the world you live in.

Say, there is a person who complains but does not try to change. He/she will connect to people who have the same vibration, just like remote control of the AC. Therefore, he/she continues to complain. One day he/she realizes that he/she needs to change instead of complaining. At the time he/she realizes it, the vibration changes to a higher one and he/she will be connected to the existence and vibration above and beyond. However, when he/she stops to make an effort to change, his/her vibration falls down.

As you can see, the universe works this way, you cannot lie. No matter how wonderful he/she thinks, he/she will be connected to the range of the same vibration. So he/she may connect to the low range vibration. You may say that you don’t believe this, but the universe works this way and you cannot avoid it.

By the way, let’s say that this person is taking actions and continuously living based on his/her awareness. He/she washed the lettuce, cut cucumbers and tomatoes. He/she made salad. His/her vibration transmits to the lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers and although it is a very simple dish, all good energies of his/her go into the salad and taste more delicious. On the other hand, the salad that was made by a person with many complaints, does not taste the same as a person with better vibration/energy. This is the same as the AC remote controller.

Vibration can be changed according to how you live your everyday life. Why don’t you graduate from being in ego and desire vibration/energy and move to a higher place? This can only be possible by your action. What kind of vibration/energy are you in? You will only be attracted and connected with vibration/energy that you are sending.