Story of Fear and Worry/恐怖と心配の話し

English follows after Japanese



私はその後手術を受け、とても小さい癌だったので無事全摘出、転移もありませんでした。その後放射線治療を2ヶ月ほど受けました。私はこの治療は必要ではないと思いましたが、お医者さんも家族にも勧められ 、拒否するよりも治療を受けるほうが自然の流れと観じそのようにしました。私の中にはこの“一瞬の恐怖”の後は怯えることもなくやることをやったという観じです。





もし私が乳癌と分かってから恐怖と心配の毎日を送っていたら、、、、。結果は同じかもしれないけど、その間の私の毎日は恐怖と心配が溢れてて、それがまた新たな恐怖と心配を引き起こしていたと思います。そしてその時間出来たことが、出来なかったと思います。皆さん、一つ一つ荷物を置いて、背負っているものを軽くしませんか?荷物は多いより少ない方が楽です。恐怖や心配は不必要です。もしこれらの感情がやって来たら“捕まえた!”と心で言って本気で捕まえてください、避けてはダメです。何回も何回も “捕まえた!”をやってるといつか多分恐怖や心配が馬鹿げてくると思います。忍耐強くその時に自分を捕まえて見てください。何度も何度も、忍耐強く。きっと新しい発見がありますよ! 

Story of Fear and Worry

I had breast cancer surgery 3 years ago. Normally I don’t fear or worry. In the past at some point fear and worry vanished from me and I have been very calm. They found an abnormal image after the mammogram so I had a biopsy and as a result, they found a cancer cell in my breast. I experienced something I haven’t experienced in a long time here. That was when I was diagnosed with cancer, I felt “fear and worry” instantly. I was very surprised by these emotions. Then I thought “Ah, this “fear and worry” I’m experiencing must be what people experience in such situations. I also thought that normally people continue to fear and worry from this point on. I thought it would be hard to continue to live with such emotions. Because it was such a “Fearful Vibration”.

So I had my surgery. The cancer was tiny, so they removed everything successfully and there was no spread. Afterwards, I had radiation therapy for about 2 months. I did not think this treatment was necessary for me, but since my doctor and my family felt I should do so and I felt it is more natural direction to have this treatment than denying it, I did so. After this instant “Fear & Worry”, I made it through without further fear and worry. 

We do not know what will happen in our lives. No one knew the corona virus and riot on racism would take place in 2020. Our friend’s and family’s death does not come as we planned. It comes suddenly. We are only human and it is only natural to feel fear, worry and sadness. This is not bad at all to feel that way. The problem is the thought that crosses our mind “What If…”. It is a waste to think “What If? What Do I Do?”. I have never heard that problems were solved because we worried about them. The base of fear and worry is our ego and desire that create the situation of I DO NOTWANT to be sad or I WANT TO LIVE. 

I have a friend here in NY whose life is full of fear and worry that she cannot get away from it. She used to ask me how she could not live life without them. After we talked, she realizes these negative emotions are not necessary and “What If?” does not solve any problems. She is usually calm for a couple of days after we talk but she went back to her usual “fear and worry”. I have not seen her for quite some time now but I can only imagine how she is under Corona crises and racism riot. To truly live is not to think past and future. It is not to fear any worry things that haven’t happened yet or carry what happened in the past.  

If I were living in fear and worry from the time I was diagnosed as a cancer, even the outcome is the same, I wasted much of my important time. And I am sure more fear and worry are created by fear and worry. Why don’t you become lighter by letting go one by one what you are carrying? It is easier to carry if your backpack is lighter. No need to keep carrying fear and worry. If these emotions come, “Catch it” seriously. Every time you felt fear and worry, say “I Caught you!” “ I see you Mr. Fear!” . Don’t try to avoid these feelings, acknowledge them. If you keep doing so over and over again, you will feel how stupid it is to fear and worry. You need to be very patient with “I caught you!”, again and again. I am sure you will eventually discover the change in you. Do not try to avoid your feelings, watch it and catch it!