Ikuko’s soliloquy

I wonder how far the universe continues for?

I feel relieved when I think of the universe.

Not only Earth but a vast expanse of the universe

I wonder what other existence on other planets think of Earth?

There are many planets in the universe that are more evolved than Earth.

Maybe they are looking at as very patiently?

They may be thinking that we should be doing something to address our issues?

But people on Earth don't think of people on other planets

Because Earthlings think that they are the only ones who exist in their solar system.

Why just us? That’s makes me wonder

Maybe there is an existence in a different form than humans.

Earthlings don’t think this way

Earthlings must see through their eyes to prove things

In addition, things must be proven scientifically.


I once suddenly went to outer space.

I clearly remember the sensation at that time.

How can I put it in words?

In short “My gravity-free state” felt so good and there were many stars around me

I was placed in the universe

Something like only my consciousness was existing

That was may be 10 seconds? I wanted to stay longer〜


I would like to travel to different places in the universe.

Maybe there are many people/existences who I met before.

I probably will remember many things when I am out there


What is my purpose of being on this planet?

I feel the purpose but I cannot express it in words

Nowadays, I am living in reality and also in a different dimension.

It is hard to go back and forth

I cannot explain this in words either

But there are people who understand me because they have similar experiences.

It is hard to have physical body, isn’t it?

Pain? Dizzy? There is a limit, isn’t there?

Sometimes I wonder if I could do an out-of-body experience.

I did it twice

I was not thinking to do it

But it just happened twice in my life.

I felt so good

I think there was a meaning that I did it then

But I cannot do it anymore


What I am looking forward?

When I die, I am looking forward to that experience

What do I expect to see and think?

Things I did not know when I was alive

I think I will know from that moment

I am so much looking forward to it

Don’t worry, I am not by any means, rushing to die


I think some of you may think

How strange Ikuko is

And she may be mentally sick?

But this is what I see and think

I wanted to put in words a little bit of my thought

That’s all

I wonder if you accept me as is?

I appreciate for my husband, Bob and my son Jake

For accepting who I am and supporting me

And appreciation for my sister, my mother and father who is already gone

I cannot be who I am without my family

My appreciation to my extended family 

Also, thank you my colleagues for supporting me


After my husband read this

He said he has impression that I want to die soon

NO! NO! I have more things to do here

I entirely don’t think I want to die soon

I have many roles to do

And I am having lots of fun with my husband. 

And learn and share each other

I love being here with my husband 

I don’t know why? But I just wanted to write this.