“Story of Result”

Aren’t many people living only concerning the “Result”? Don’t you think there are many people expecting the “Result” before they even take an action?

The result varies according to the content of your learning and actions. However, “Result” cannot be obtained by seeking it. It appears naturally. For example, you do not do something to have a wonderful life, but as a result of how you lived, the “Result” of wonderful life follows.

If you do not make an effort in everyday life, a wonderful result never comes. I think many people are misunderstanding that if you have superficial and plenty of knowledge, a good result comes. Or how much you can perform the job. There is a big mistake.

As I have written in “Story of Prideful”, there is a big difference between how good you perform in jobs vs. how much your soul grows. If you are working on your soul and working on your job, these together, your soul will grow and you become a great person who will be able to return what you’ve learned to society. Do not expect the “Result” but work on your soul. If you ignore doing so, you might leave this life without your soul leaning anything. The “Result” will come depending on how you take action in everyday life. 

If you are both truly living your life and handling your job humbly, a good “Result” will follow😊