Kosumi's Story / 石川こすみさんの話し

English follows after Jdapanse






それは、今主人が経営している薬局に嫁ぎ5~6年経ったころです。私はそのときに今自分たちがやっている薬局では、全く母の役に立たないことがわかり衝撃を受けました。初めて、薬局って何だろう? どういう薬局を自分たちはやっていったらいいのだろう?と問うことになったのです。




それまで薬局で接客をする中で、ずっと不思議に思っていたことがありました。例えば同じ薬で効く人効かない人、同じ薬で副作用の出る人出ない人何故なんだろう? 何故便秘の薬を買う方はみんな同じ様な顔(雰囲気)をしているのだろう?







 特にこの仕事についてから自分の本質に素直に生きたいと思うようになりました。顕在意識が満足することではなく、自分の本質が学びたいことを全部学びたいなと今も思っています。そう思ってから、自分を、心の動き、感情をよく観るようになりました。最初のころは、自分のその感情の動きを受け入れられず、何で私ってこうなんだろう? またこの感情が出てきたって、何故自分ってこんなんだろうと自分を嫌になってました。


















「最初のころは、自分のその感情の動きを受け入れられず~……..ちゃんとしっかり自分しっかり心の動きを観るようにしています 。 」

😄  改めて今自分の癖や持って生まれた基本セッティングみたいなものを、素直に味わって素直に取り組むようにしています。


This time, I would like to introduce Ms. Kosumi Ishikawa,“Kosumi’s story”.  Last time, I wrote “Ikuko’s story” through my experience and learning. We all learn differently. There is not just one way. I hope you can get a hint from “Kosumi’s story” Thank you Ms. Kosumi for participating on our website.

 “Kosumi’s story”

As Ikuko asked me to write about myself so I decided to do so freely by looking back at myself. I am president of the company named DENEQEN that handles FALF (Energy Normalizer) by coincidence. I have been working for this company away from my family for 15 years.

 I am going to write why I decided to do this work. It began 25 years ago, around the time my mother was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. That was 5-6 years after I married my husband who runs a pharmacy. ( I was also a pharmacist.)

 At that time, I was shocked that our pharmacy could not help my mother at all. For the first time I questioned myself “What is a pharmacy?” and “What do we do as pharmacists?”. This was my beginning of searching “why” by reading books and meeting people.

 During that time I came across  a meeting called “First Cancer Conventions”, lectured by 6-7 speakers on naturopathy, and I decided to participate. The 1st day was on Saturday, so only my husband attended while I was working. Our pharmacy was closed on Sunday,  we both attended the 2nd day of the convention.I asked my husband how the 1st day  was?  He told me that this person’s thermotherapy sounded interesting and that he was thinking of studying it. But he said something interesting—he  did not fully understand the last speaker, but somehow he seemed to be speaking the truth. 

A year later, my husband told me he saw books by that last speaker whom he had been very curious  about. The book is called Law of Undulation. After reading the book I felt many things making sense! Until then I had been wondering many things when I was dealing with customers. For example, “Why is the same medicine not effective for everyone? “Why is the same medicine causing some  people to have side effects but some people are fine?” “Why people who buy constipation medicine have similar faces(vibes)? I could not find answers by reading many books but after reading “The Law of Undulation” I felt that my wonder was unraveled.

 Thinking back I remember buying 20 of the books and giving them as a gifts to different people. I remember this and cannot help laughing but this is how much I agreed with the content of the book. Two years passed and one day I was asked and introduced “Isn’t this what Kosumi has been looking for?”.  And those were some products that I deal with now. From this point, I met many people. And when many years passed by so quickly with my heart ever so happy, I established a new company that deals with FALF. The necessity of forming this company came up and the situation was that I will represent the company. But if this were to happen, it would make it difficult to continue my work at our pharmacy. And also I would need to leave Shizuoka where I was and live away from my family.

  When I told my husband this series of events, he said  “ There is no one but you “  But yet, I am a wife living with both his parents. His two sisters live close by….how can I explain this?  I had never left for days from Shizuoka. I cannot be absent from our family-operated business. I somehow had this fixed idea. Fortunately,  a new employee came and it started to feel like it would be manageable without me. My husband encouraged me and I decided to do the work I do now. I did what I decided. I don't remember how I explained this  to his family. I think I did what I decided, pushed on. But this could not have happened without my family.

 Although I knew about the product to some extent, everything was new…..I will write about this on another occasion as this is going to be long. People used to say to me “it’s nice you have a suitable job and are working happily.” I used to say “What should I do? Something is not right in everyday life. I used to say “It’s boring, Is there anything for me?”.

However, from the day (I decided to work ), whatever happens, hardship, days of crying the word “boring” has disappeared for me. People said many things … they feel sorry for my husband because he is left at Shizuoka alone. You abandoned your pharmacy, etc… In the beginning I used to get hurt and troubled by their words.  But I came to realize those were my problems. I started to face my family and people around me…it seems like I learn from them, something like that.

Especially when I started this work, I came to think to live honestly to my essence. I have been wanting to learn all that my essence wants to learn, not satisfied by just my thinking mind. By this I started to watch my heart/mind action and emotions. In the beginning I could not accept my emotions and used to think why am I like this? This emotion came again, why am I like this?I used to hate myself. One day I got angry at something. Here it comes again…I said “No no! don’t be angry” I tried to stop my emotion, then I heard a voice within myself….”Well, that’s a lie.” Aren't you extremely angry and highly offended!? You are a liar!

This voice from within myself was big for me. That’s right I am a liar. I thought so from deep inside of me. Since then I have stopped saying “No”, don't lie to me but to watch carefully my feeling. Because whatever is necessary to learn is right in front of me…. Without realizing I am changing, my anger is much less now. It feels like I naturally became more tolerant. I came to think learning is such fun!  I would like to continue to learn one by one, honestly to my essence.

 Thank you for the opportunity to look back at myself. Again, I think I have been living till today by the support from my family and people around me.


Website for DENEQEN


 I would like to share some comments.

Ms. KM

First of all, I was shocked that she was away from her family. Then I thought, things proceed fast when they are supposed to.  I envy – envy is not good, isn’t it – that she knows the right path to choose. Also, her husband is on the same path. However, I thought her path was sometimes troubled and painful. 

I know Ms. Ishikawa since she introduced me to the music called “Kanade” and I shared my comments with her. Also I have been questioning her regarding my experience through the products she handles. I think she tries to become aware and learn from everything. (I’d like to become aware and learn too.) All these thoughts were conveyed through her writing.Thank you for letting me read “Kosumi’s story”. 

 Mr. HF

After reading Ms. Kosmi’s story I come to realize that I have forgotten something. This was my closest existence, my family.  Many things are difficult under Corona crisis, but I think now is the time to express the true me.


Mr. MH

“By this I started to watch my heart/mind action and emotions. In the beginning_….. necessary to learn is right in front of me….”

I like this part very much!

Now I’m trying to see my emotional habits and basic settings of myself, which I have brought to this life. I’d like to experience, taste and appreciate each of them as they are.