Everyone's Place November

HT (11-26-2020)

Good evening. I look forward to reading your blog. I often get startled as contents are so timely to myself at the time.

Your saying “not to compare but to focus on ourselves” made it so clear to me.  We are not accepting of others but comparing to others who have different thoughts and attitudes toward life, we are doing this on a daily basis.

I like your art “Honesty”. I think to be “Honest” is very important. I recall your art “Honesty” at work in order to act this way.

MF (11-25-2020)

Let’s stop wanting more and more! Because you might be living in the “Hell” in this life.

You are right. Your word really hit me and it was an awakening. Not only money matters but not letting go, this is not about a different lifetime. This is what happening in this life also.

If we are not letting go of things in this life, after this life and hell are the same. It is important to live now. What am I now? My current consciousness reflects my future. Thank you.


HF (11-25-2020)

I am still controlled by money. You may laugh at me but I say “a few more days till I get paid!” and when I go out to eat my eyes go to the price of the menu. 

I tell myself that “No! It’s not the cost that matters, but what do I want to eat?”. I deliberately ignore the cost.

I look at the menu once again, and I find myself looking at the price. I often wonder if I had more money…. I am not ashamed of myself but I often look around people eating with a bit of jealousy. Recently I think if I have much money, I will spend it all, but if I do not have much money I will carefully plan how to spend it. I somehow live no matter what.

When I don’t waste money and plan to use it wisely, I eat less food and snacks that is actually better for my health.

Our lives are difficult now with Covid-19. Many people are concerned with educational expenses for their children and living expenses, etc.,   However, I feel like we can experience many things because of this crisis.

Ikuko Gach 😃 We pay a lot of money in order to eat fancy food. And everyone’s salary is different.  In “Story of Knowing Enough”, I am talking about within an individual’s limit (money). You cannot compare with other people. Why don’t we live confidently?


Ms. Nami Kawashima (11-3-2020)

Until very recently, I was depressed why I am repeatedly experiencing difficult experiences. However, this is slowly changing. 

As you mentioned, I think my soul was sending me messages. What is underlying in me is meaningless emotion of “wanting to look good to others”. I have not completely eliminated this emotion yet. I would like to take actions on this in order to hear voices of my soul.