“Story of Letting Go”

How much do you have in your mind that is not necessary to carry on in everyday life? For example, if some unpleasant thing happened, how many days do you carry this unpleasant feeling? If you cannot let this go, you will carry this feeling for a long time. It stays in you.

There was a sly person. You cannot let go of your thought of her being sly. Because you have that in your head, you only see this person as “sly”. When you talk to her, you think “She is sly.” In addition, your feeling of dislike adds to it. You can look at that person only through colored glasses. You will feel much better if you let go of your thought. “Well she is sly but it’s ok! Let her be!”

It is good to study. But there is a trick here. After you read and study something, you may not be able to act freely because the knowledge you received from the book blocks your action. You may think that you need to do it this way because it was written in the book. If you stick with one idea, your freedom to feel and that based on this freedom that you can make your own decision, may be blocked. Your knowledge is just knowledge in your head. It is not the real you.

Learning becomes a part of you when you take action on it. Therefore, your information in your head is not the real you. You need to make use of it. You may reflect upon yourself. But this is just consolation if you don’t act.

You should take everything as is. Again here, you don’t put your emotion into it. “A sly person”, just this. You do not carry this thought. You do not add your feeling of “dislike”. So next time when you see her, your past thought cannot be carried on. This is the action I am talking about. Action to just accept and action to let go. It is ok for her to be sly, I have many unpleasant parts too.

To learn and act are very simple, not complicated. You can do this even if you don’t know how to. Your action is the most important thing.

The important thing is when you see this person next time, you do not stick with your last feeling. If you feel this again, then take her as “sly” again. But after that let this feeling go. You cannot label people. Remove the label “sly” from you. When you repeat this, you start to not care if she was sly or not. You start to think it is ok to be so. You are stuck in one place because you cannot let go. Let go and let’s go to another place.