“Story of Live As Is”

“Story of Live As Is”

How do we live as is? What is it to accept as is? I decided to write about it as there may be some people who don’t know what this mean. 

To live as is means to accept what is in front of you as exactly as is. This means, I believe, there is no emotion to it. For example, someone told you “You are such an idiot! Don’t you even know this?” How do you process this?

 1)    “You bastard! How dare you.” = anger

2)    “I am such an idiot” = sadness

3)    I am an idiot = agree

4)    This person is saying I am an idiot = just accepting what he/she said = unconcerned 

There may be more but these are 4 cases crossed my mind. If your emotion occurs or you criticize the person, you are not accepting as is. As is means exactly what it is.

4) is when you are accepting as is. Then you may think “What is he/she talking about that I don’t know? Oh I see, he/she is talking about this politician. I don’t know much about him/her and it may be important to study about the politician.” Thanks for the opportunity! Then you started studying more about him and you learned about this politician.

1) If you become sad by hearing that you are an idiot, you might become sadder and depressed by saying to yourself “I don’t know anything!”. You will go toward depression. 

2) “You bastard! You insulted me! This anger attracts more anger and your vibration of anger travels throughout your body. However, you are so used to this negative vibration that you do not realize how much your body is influenced by this negative vibration.

3) You agreed with your ignorance and  you start to study desperately. Studying is not bad. However, once your consciousness of “I am such a smart person to know this.” appears, then you start to go toward ego. But after studying what you did not know and if you simply discovered what you didn’t know, then you can appreciate this person for the opportunity for you to learn.

People who cannot take what is in front of you as is, this means they cannot take exactly what is in front of them without having emotions and preconceived ideas. Like the example above you should accept as it appears. Here is another example. Say your son got fired from work. Many people first get emotional. Then the thought of why did he get fired? This is insane! What did he do? What is he going to do? I think these thoughts first cross your mind. Then how do you accept as is? First you just take it as “My son got fired.” This is it, nothing more. Then next thing is, you want to ask him why? So ask him so. Your son answered, “I made a huge mistake in a business deal.”. Again, you just take exactly as he said, that’s all. From here you just listen to your son. As is = exactly what he said. After you heard what your son had to say and if you can give him advice, do so.

Little children can accept what is in front of them just as is. Why is it that adults cannot do what little children can do? Because they do not have much knowledge, neither emotions like adults have. Therefore, little children accept what is in front of them honestly. They don’t have other choices but to accept. On the other hand, adults have much information that prevents from being able to accept as is. 

Why don’t you become a little fool from today? That may help you to accept as is in front of you.