



        以下は足立育朗さんの書かれた波動の法則という本から学び、私にとっては今までで一番 しっくり来ている内容です

鉱物、植物、動物などを学び人間を学び、人間の先にもあるようです。ですので産まれた理由は一言でいうとその人のエクサピーコ*(魂)そのものが決めるそうです。こんどはこんな形で産まれて、こう言う体験をしてこれを学ぼう!ですの でエクサピーコは場所も選びます。こんなプログラムで学びたいのですが協力してもらえますか?と両親のエクサピーコに産まれる前にコンタクトを取ります。そこで了解です!一緒に学びましょう!となると初めてお母さんは生命を宿ります。そしてあなたが産まれます。顕在意識 ではまるで覚えていませんが、エクサピーコ同志は了解しています。


















A:外見ではなくその人の持つ輝きです。目で見た美しさではなく、美しさが心にしみるような美しさが真の美しさと思います。美しさは自分が判断するのではなく、まわりがそれを知ります。形だけで整えても本当は何もならないんです 。肉体は死ぬときに持っていく事はできませんよね?


Q:感じた 事すべてが本当の理由とは?情報過多の毎日での情報の抽出
























郁子さんの生い立ちや体験がとてもわかりやすく心にスーッと入ってきました。1年間ご自分の感情を観じる、気づく作業をされたこと、またその後の変化を観じたご体験、改めて感銘しました!また"宇宙の中の自分" "答えはうちにある" "枝でなく幹になる"というメッセージを基に、私も己と向き合い、気づき、今のような状況下でも動じず、強く生きていきたいと強く観じました。まさに"living intuition"ですね⭐︎ 郁子さんの想いを共有していただき、とても嬉しかったです♡ 心が温まりやすらかになりました。郁子さん、ボブさんの作品、改めて拝見して本当に心に響きますね!素晴らしいです♡




Q & A with Holistic Beauty Therapist, Ms. Anri, NY💆‍💆‍

Q: Why was I born? Why am I here?

A: There seems to be a force in the universe which allows us to continuously learn and evolve (grow) ourselves. In fact, all that exists evolves by learning.

The following answers are my interpretation of a book called “Law of Undulation” by Mr. Ikuro Adachi. This book resonates with my soul more so than any other content I have encountered in my life.

The reason why we are born is up to the decision of our soul(EXA PIECO*) itself. We first exist as minerals, then plants, then animals, and then as humans as we continue to learn and evolve ourselves in different forms. For example, my EXA PIECO led me to be who I am -let’s learn in this form and let’s experience this! EXA PIECO pick places of birth. Your EXA PIECO contacts your parents’ EXA PIECO before you are born, asking for cooperation. It says  “I would like to born as your child and learn these things, can you cooperate?” When your parents’ EXA PIECO agrees to cooperate, then you will exist to become human; you will be born. We do not remember this process in mind but our EXA PIECO knows. 

*Mr. Adachi refers to the soul as EXA PIECO– different than the traditional understanding of “soul”. Ms. Omnec Onec, author of “UFO I Came from Venus” says our soul is far more advanced than computers.


Q: What is the true meaning of caring for our body? Why are massages necessary?

A:   There are many different forms of existence in the universe. Some we can see and some we cannot see. In fact, we learn different things from the physical and non-physical.  For the physical, we learn physically. It may be pain, a sensation, an itch etc. For example, when you eat too much food, and you get a stomach ache, you think “ I see, I have a stomach ache because of too much eating. It is not good to do that!”. Your body tells you why. You learn by listening to your body. Each human has a different body, and no two are exactly the same. Don’t you think our bodies are sending us messages? I think to care for our bodies is to listen and accept their message and act accordingly.

Massages help loosen tight muscles and calm down your spirit, among many other good effects to our bodies.  However, the most important thing is what a therapist actually learns from the experience.  It is really the same as any job.


  Q: What the true meaning of thinking with our heart, rather than our heads?

A: Each therapist has their own way of massaging. Don’t you think you can provide better results when you are listening to/ feeling the recipient’s body (thinking with our hearts), rather than just following a manual (thinking with our heads)? 

*I have been receiving massages from Ms. Anri  for about 3 years, Ms. Anri’s massage has both skillful technique and heart(intuition). She is a wonderful therapist.


Q: Is there anything beyond living with ultimate accountability?

A: There are always new things to become aware of and learn from – learning is truly eternal.

Q: “Everything happens for a reason” - what is the true meaning of this?

A: Everything has meaning through cause and effect – as the law of causality states.


Q: What does it mean to truly get to know your reflection in the mirror. What is the true meaning of beauty?

A:   True beauty is not about how you look, true beauty is your inner glow. Beauty is not something that can be seen through the eyes. I think true beauty is felt in the heart and soul. It is not you who determines this, it is the people around you who receive your beauty. It is mind not form, you cannot just think about the physical. Can you hold onto your body when you die?


Q:  Is it true that everything you feel is real? What does this mean and how can we deal with too much information in our lives? 

A:   Everything that you feel as “real”, is not necessarily true. Sometimes things you feel as “real” can actually be false. However, I think the most important thing is that there is always an opportunity to learn, regardless of whether something is true or false.


Q:  What is the true meaning of “everything is within you”?

A:   This means that change must come from within. All of the knowledge in the world means nothing if you are unable to use it. You may think you are learning but you are not actually changing. You cannot change yourself simply by being with wise people or in places of healing. Change can only be accomplished by working on yourself, step by step.


Q:  Standards in life seem unnecessary. Why is this?

      Meaning, in your 20s you start working, in late 20s you marry, then give birth, 30s-50s parenting at the same working, taking care of parents, being patient, saving money, working until retirement, then living off savings… these guardrails on life seem unnecessary.

A:   It does makes more sense if you can live life by your own pace, but in our society we also need to follow a pre-arranged life. However, you are the one who wanted to be here in this society. Instead of doubting or complaining about it, how about living your life seriously by accepting and deciding how you want to live. There are important learnings in your 20s through starting a job and meeting someone. There are important learnings in giving birth in late 20s. In all ages there is so much to learn. But in short, you do not have necessarily follow this path. You do not have to live a pre-arranged life. It is your choice. It is all up to you - you have many choices in front of you to make. For instance, go left or right? When shall I see him/her? Shall I make curry or pasta? Even something like this, you make your own choice. 


Q:  What does it mean to “read the times”?

A:   What circumstances am I under now? Which direction am I going? It is important to ground yourself, to know exactly what’s going on around you while still working on yourself. In order to “read the times”, you must be able to adapt. You must be the trunk of a tree, not the branches that easily sway by the wind.


Q:  What is the difference between fulfilment vs “If I’m good, its fine” mentality?

A:   If fulfilling means growing(evolving), fulfillment is good. “If I’m good, its fine” is your ego.


Q:  You cannot beat the system of the universe

A:   When you look at a photograph of the universe and look at Earth how big is your existence? It’s not even a mere dot. Being that small, you cannot know everything about the universe. It is okay not to know everything. I think the true importance is actually existing in the universe.


Shearing comments

 Ms. DG

Ikuko- I’ve read your “about Ikuko’s story” on your website. I actually read it through a few times 😌. 
I understand the thoughts you are expressing and have been aware over the years of the spiritual leaders you have met. 
I respect the work you have done for yourself on this journey and have always believed that there is value in every experience as it all builds a strength within. It’s only in not trying that we stop growing. 
I realize that might not be the specific message you are relaying here, and realize there is much more to your words that I am not as well informed to fully understand. 
Sent I appreciate you sharing this. And look forward to talking with you more about it. Some of what you describe in regard to letting go of ego and emotions I’ve read about through my studies of Buddhism, mindfulness and meditation. I understand the concepts but find them difficult to practice in real life. Which of course is why it requires work