“Story of Two Different Endurances”

There are two different kind of endurances. Do you know the difference?

I often use a mug cup for example. Just imagine a mug with a lid on it. I will use anger here for example. One of the endurances is when your anger is in a cup with a lid on it. Whenever anger comes, you continuously put it in a cup and close it with a lid. Just by looking, you cannot find anger, but actually it is under the lid. Therefore, if the lid slips off, your anger comes out. However, the other endurance does not have a lid on a mug. Therefore, if you are seriously practicing, anger in the mug will slowly disappear, as if the sand was slowly blown in the wind. This is the difference of two types of patience. As I wrote how to practice your emotions in my past blog, you need to watch your emotion and catch it. You cannot erase nor ignore your emotions. You must focus to watch emotions in you and catch them and tell yourself that these emotions are a waste. The serious practice is the repetition of this action. It will take time 😅.  

While I am writing this I wonder if my message really reaches people who have not experienced the true endurance. I was once asked by a person “How can I express ‘Thank you’?”  I could not answer. How can I tell a person how to thank if she never has done it before? How do you teach her? Even if I tell her you can appreciate this way and that way, she can only do “appreciation” from what she learned in her head. This is not a true appreciation. Endurance is the same. If you have never done the true endurance, you cannot know the difference. It seems that true endurance is strongly related to your Heart Chakra. If you continue to do true endurance, your Heart Chakra will get bigger and bigger and this gives you the ability to accept more and various things gradually as they are. Why don’t you make your Heart Chakra bigger by doing the true endurance?