Everyone's Place May/みんなの広場5月

English follows after Japanese









無性の愛」とは、と聞かれたら、答えに困りますが、こうして書いて貰えると、「そうなんだ」と思います。愛すると言う事は、好きなようにさせてあげる事。以前、本で読んで、そのように心がけています。二人暮らしなので、対象は主人なのですが、自由にさせてあげる(言い方は、よくないですが)事は出来る様になりましたが、何も感じずに、と言うのは、修行中です。笑(まず、びっくりする事が多いです。) 私も我慢ばかりは出来ないので、話し合う事が増えました。長男には、見守るという学びをさせて貰っています。手助けをする、相談に乗る事の加減が難しいです。「心配」は、しないように努力しています。次男は、林文子さんの息子さんと同じような感じです。生き方、言動が勉強になります。スピリチュアルや、波動の法則は、「興味がない!」と、言っていますが。





Ms. YI

Bob’s Photographs are so cute. I love Bob’s photographs.  The squirrels look shy. Love it! Unconditional love It was such a good timing for me to read it. I cannot accept people as they are. I am far from Unconditional Love.

Ms. Hayashi and her son’s story:

Their practice and heart to heart communication with her son, it is very deep. Every day, I get mad by dropping something and not accepting even a small thing with my family. I decided to act from this moment again.

Ms. KM

There is so much green and bridges in central park. I have the impression, or feeling that amongst them there is a red flower, such as a rose, as an accent. By looking at photographs and taking a big breath and closing my eyes…I feel like I am walking in Central Park. I saw the pictures of squirrels for the first time. They are so cute. I found that many squirrels are looking at him. The squirrel stops and pause - “What!” . It looks like squirrels were communicating with your husband.

I see more music in the website. “Heartfelt Play” is a cute music as its title. I felt like when a child wakes up, plays outside and comes back in the evening and sleeps again. I felt an innocent child is playing. I remembered when I was young and played with instruments, I was like this.

If I was asked “What is unconditional love?”, I will be troubled. But by reading it, I understand.  To love means to let people do as they like. I think I can let my husband do what he wants. However, without any emotions? I am still practicing😅 (There are a lot of surprises.). I cannot always endure, so my husband and I talk more often than before. As for my eldest son, I am practicing to watch over instead of making suggestions. I found it difficult when to help and when to make suggestions. I am trying not to worry about him. My younger son is similar to Ms. Hayashi’s son. I learn from his way of life and words. He says he is not interested in spiritual or law of undulation. 

I sometimes visit arutmuseum. I cannot help looking through my eyes. I like Ikuko’s “System of the Universe”. I feel warm energy from the center. I also like Ms. Hayashi’s “Compassion”. I feel refreshed from the painting. I did not know Ms. Hayashi but I liked her paintings. So when she came to Ikuko’s blog, I was very happy.

Ms. Madoka Ebihara

My heart felt warm by looking at City Squirrels. Squirrels are so freely living as they are. It is cute that they are eating with their eyes shining. I am a city person just like these squirrels. I decided to live like these squirrels. I am looking forward to more wonderful photographs and blog.