Everyone’s Place September

HF (09-22-2020)

I see “Person Who Changes” at work. This manager who works with me, he is good at work, kind to his clients, notices problems and uses respectful language to me.

However, he becomes completely different and looks down on delivery people or other workers who come from outside. I gave him advice not to act like this, but he probably does not realize he is doing this.

I told him “It is not good to look down on people. Also we need to recognize that our tenants can receive a benefit in being able to receive what they need due to the availability of these delivery people. Let’s appreciate them for what they do and deal with them with appreciation.” This happened before and I told him the same message. I took this story as my message. I may look down on people without knowing it. 

MF (09-19-2020)

Ikuko, I listened to your music – True Earth.

I first listened to True Earth 1 & 5. They are completely different, somehow interesting.

What can I say? Brightness of True Earth 5, bright but cannot been seen…sensational feeling of just to “feel”. I didn’t even know music can be expressed that way.


ST (09-12-2020)

I was terrible at showing my weakness to others. It was to my husband whom I started to show my weakness. Little by little I was able to show my weakness to my husband. It is important to become one who can show weakness. I once again give thanks to my husband.

MF (09-09-2020)

How to truly face other people, it is all up to our consciousness. If you want to learn from others, you can truly learn. For this reason, you are meeting with different people. Your spouse was a complete stranger and his/her existence is so grateful.  The structures of a husband and wife, men and women, family, they are all great structures to learn each other.